Mariachi Mentors & Role Models

The Mariachi Women’s Foundation augments its events, concerts and festivals with opportunities for mariachi women and girls to be matched with mentors and to hear the stories and experiences of women who may serve as role models. In 2022, mariachi mentors and role models included Cynthia Prida Bravo, Director of Cultural Affairs at the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles, Monica Fogelquist, Assistant Professor of Practice and Mariachi at the University of Texas, Austin, Cindy Shea, Director of the two-time Grammy-winning Mariachi Divas, Cynthia Cristal Marquez, Director of Mariachi Femenil Voces de Mexico, San Luis Potosí and Dr. Leonor Xochitl Pérez, executive Director of the Mariachi Women’s Festival to name a few. Our favorite mariachi mentor & role model story is of Cindy Shea and Katelyn Bonilla. Scroll down to read about their mentor-mentee relationship and success1

Mentoring Opportunities

Cindy Shea & Katelyn Bonilla

In 2017, Katelyn Bonilla was 14 years old when she performed at the Mariachi Pathways for Youth’s Mariachi Youth Showcase. One of her greatest moments was meeting Cindy Shea of Mariachi Divas. This meeting launched their mentor-mentee relationship (See photo on the far left). Five years later, upon graduating from high school at at 19 years of age, Katelyn gave her debut professional performance with Cindy Shea and Mariachi Divas at the foundation’s 9th Annual International Mariachi Women’s Festival on November 21, 2022 (see photo on the far right). The Mariachi Women’s Foundation has heard from many mariachi women and girls who are inspired and supported through professional mariachi women who mentor them and serve as role models..